Women’s Philanthropic Collective (WPC) stands with the Black community and People of Color in working to end systemic racial and social injustice. We stand unwavering in our solidarity against all forms of racist violence, discrimination and inequality. We remain dedicated to developing strong collaborations with individuals, partner charities and coalitions to work towards dismantling racism through the ongoing process of healing and reconciliation. The oppression and inequities within our communities have no place in a healthy and just society.

Before any progress can occur, it is important for us to sit in our nation’s uncomfortable truth that this country’s history has been largely reserved for white people through the intentional exclusion and oppression of People of Color. The deep racial and ethnic inequities that exist today are a direct result of institutional racism specifically designed to create and maintain white supremacy. Employment barriers, housing discrimination, predatory lending and disparities in the education and criminal justice systems are examples of the many challenges People of Color experience, which often lead to chronic poverty cycles. We also need to acknowledge and respect that everyone has multiple social identities, which complicate, inform, and often compound each individual’s experience of poverty. Institutional and structural change is critical in reversing poverty cycles; however, we cannot end poverty without addressing racial inequalities.  

Racial discrimination puts people’s lives and well being at risk around the world. The lives and livelihoods of every Person of Color need to be valued, no matter their racial or ethnic background, cultural, political or religious beliefs, sexual orientation, gender or socio-economic status. It is our role as WPC Members and community members to commit ourselves to choosing to support social and racial justice every day by educating ourselves on discrimination and racism and the systems that contribute to these injustices, be honest with ourselves about our own privilege and biases and how they contribute to the inequities within our communities, and to engage in difficult conversations and call out racism and discrimination when it occurs. While there is much to be done in our country and local communities surrounding these issues, WPC is taking the following actions to demonstrate our commitment to racial and social justice:

  • Partnering with Dignity for Divas (DfD), a local, Black female founded non-profit organization dedicated to empowering women experiencing homelessness, an estimated 32% of which identify as African-American (in 2019). DfD will serve as WPC’s 2020-2021 Partner Charity.

  • Dedicating our 2020 second quarterly giving to non-profit organizations that specifically support the Black community. 

  • Educating ourselves as a group on social and racial justice and how we can work together as a diverse group of women to intervene and advocate for change.

We all deserve to live in a just, diverse society that practices and values inclusion, while seeing the beauty and richness our differences and contributions bring to our communities. We look forward to walking alongside you on this march to racial and social justice. Stay tuned for additional information on how you can partner with WPC as we continue to make strides towards equality for all in our community.

 Yours in Solidarity,

Women’s Philanthropic Collective